Affordable Supportive Housing Program

The needs of our community made it necessary to expand our programs in order to serve the many vulnerable families waiting for housing. Through the Affordable Supportive Housing (ASH) Program families facing homelessness can live independently in affordable housing. This program offers rent on a sliding scale fee as well as access to case management to achieve long term housing.

Since 1989...

We have been providing shelter and support to pregnant women. 

In 1996...

We expanded the program when we built the brand new Transitional Shelter for single mothers and their children. 

In 2012...

We opened our first Affordable Supportive Housing (ASH) unit.


We have nine of these units on our campus for families facing homelessness. 

Lori's Story

Most of Lori’s choices were driven by desperation rather than right or wrong, as she spent her whole life trying to get by. After losing custody of her young son as a result of some of those choices, Lori knew she had to change – she was pregnant with another child.

Lori not only found shelter at St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities, but she found much more. With support and services, she began to overcome some of her issues and make decisions that would alter her path. Lori earned her GED, got a decent job and stayed committed to making a better life for her and her kids. 

Lori was able to stay in an Affordable Supportive Housing unit where she paid rent. By the time she moved out, Lori was comfortable that she could pay fair market value for an apartment and manage her finances.

She regained custody of her son and for the first time, her little family was together and giving her the control of her life she had wished for.  

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