
Want to help our School Counseling Program?

School Counseling

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Social and emotional wellness is key to academic success.  The school counselor supports your child(ren) in these areas so that they can be the best version of themselves.  Some ways that we work together to reach optimal growth is by providing the following:

  • Providing teachers with suggestions for effective classroom management
  • Helping the school principal identify and resolve student issues, needs and problems
  • Providing individual and small-group counseling services to students
  • Rounding to each classroom to cover a wide range of topics that cover social and emotional growth and development.
  • Advocating for students at individual education plan meetings
  • Exploring community resources with families and referral options when needed

Working with caregivers on parenting strategies and individualizing plans based on family goals and individual needs.

The school counselor will cover a wide range of topics that help to strengthen social and emotional skills.  These can range from “Name It and Tame It” when working on emotional awareness to “Three then Me” when we are working on our problem solving skills.  Topics covered in each class are specific to the needs of the class.  Some areas that might be covered are social and relationhips skills, managing feelings and self-control, self esteem/self-beliefs, conflict resolution and assertiveness skill development, managing stress and worry, mindfulness skill development to learn calming strategies, mindset awareness and growth minset shifts, respecting self and others etc. 

The best way to reach out to your school counselor is to call the school office and ask for them to direct you to the school counselor or via email. Please see below for their individual email links.

Staff members, parents and students may request school counseling services.  Parents are contacted when a student’s behavior or performance is impacting them socially, emotionally or academically or impacting others. 

If a student violates the Code of Behavior parents are contacted by the Administration team.  If a student reports abuse, of any kind, to a school staff member, the Department of Child Protective Services will need to be contacted.  The school counselor is available to help navigate and support all involved should any concerns surface throughout the school year. 

Parents/caregivers do have the right to be informed of the services offered in the school setting and opt out from any service.  This year our consent process has changed and every family will be receiving an informed consent detailing the services offered.  You can also conveniently access the form here. We appreciate your cooperation in returning these to us in timely manner.  This will allow us to start rounding each classroom and begin the journey with all students.


School Counseling Director

Erica Gober, MSSW, LSW


Nellie Springston, M.Ed.


Emmanuel Muyenza, MSSW

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